
Felt Activity Books

  Cindi found these gems.  They are made from Stiff Felt craft stacks and work up quickly.  Using patterns purchased from @LindyJ Design ( They're cute little activity books. Great for church or a quiet time activity.  Snaps, buttons, velcro, pull tabs and more fun for little fingers.
  Grandma Sheldon Quilts In honor of my Mom, I make my Grandchildren quilts using the pattern she used, and some of the material scraps she had saved from the quilts she made her grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren.  She made them for each of them until the year of her passing. She stitched her grandchild's name on them. She made a bear for the boys and a sunbonnet girl for the girls. We make them in her loving memory.

Burrito Pillowcase

 When my grandkids got a little older, I decided to do a sewing project with them.  A couple of them were still pretty young (4 years old) so there was more help involved.  I chose this pattern :  , but there are many out there.  I let the kids pick their fabric, and tried not to influence them.  Their idea of what was cute was a little different than mine, but I wanted them to remember the experience as one they were able to choose.  I used the rotary blade to cut, but let them pin it.  I let them sew if they wanted, or just push the pedal, or just push the fabric through.  They loved the final product.  

Grandma Time is born
